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Ecchi Bunny
Ecchi Bunny
7 years ago

Finally! A real armor peace! No more skimpy Valkyrie for me.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ecchi Bunny

Armors ain’t that skimpy. Besides, you don’t have to buy it. And you can also hide it, so that you only see the armor which you obtained in the game itself (agerian, grunil and the like)

7 years ago
Reply to  candesco

Yes they are. Also like to note that the breastplate jiggling on this ‘armour’ set is ridiculous. Way to ruin a perfectly good concept design. Not to mention the stupid exposed thighs again…. There some good looking medieval sets on npcs that don’t have any of these absurd sexuendo problems. Yet for some illogical purpose players can’t wear them

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

They are not. Learn what skimpy really is. Just as with that p2w garbage. People just say something without really knowing what they say. Take Venslar armor for example. You see some leg and a bit cleavage and that’s it. Nothing skimpy there.

7 years ago
Reply to  candesco

How about you learn how to comprehend what you are talking about followed with a supporting argument instead of ‘they are not because I say they not’ and get back to me.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Just a lack of words from your side, because the answer i give doesn’t suit you. I do give an argument, but it’s not to your taste. Funny also that you accuse me of “they are not, because i say they not” while you’re actually the one doing it. Get off your high horse, pal.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Don’t use it, get out of here. We will use it and enjoy it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

So because I don’t find the design practical I am to leave? In other words; Don’t agree with my opinion, gtfo? Take your own advice bud.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

No, if you don’t like the outfit, you don’t have to wear it. So yeah, gtfo. I’m not going anywhere, because as I see it, the devs and the massive playerbase of all MMOs agree with me. Majority wins this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

I’d like to see things from your point of view, but I cant seem to stick my head that far up my a*^*s.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

That’s neither a factual nor moral statement but rather an opinion. Therefore, it simply will not be considered.

In the end, gamers win.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

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7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Did you really take the time to do that? My opinion is based on fact.

Fact: The game has these outfits and design because the playerbase as a whole wants it. The games that do not are simply toned down for political reasons. It’s called economics and business.

Opinion: You still refuted absolutely none of my factual claims but wasted time imposing words onto a picture.

Finally: We are done here, your immaturity and opinions coupled with feelings is not a response to factual information.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

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Yeah, we are done here alright. You shouldn’t have dropped out of school.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

That’s a nice assumption, wrong, but nice. I’m glad you admitted your own flaw in your own meme. Take care of yourself, try not to keep spreading misinformation.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Sorry mate, but you said it yourself. It’s fact now. And the evidence is literally lying across discussion chain. Maybe you can try speaking on behalf of everyone to make yourself feel better like you did a few hours ago.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

And I did speak on behalf of everyone else, because it is accurate. Are you so petty when you are proven wrong time and time again?

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Every time you write someone in the world loses a brain cell. Give it a rest.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ecchi Bunny

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Ecchi Bunny
Ecchi Bunny
7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Yeah kinda stopped playing by now. But you have a point. Makes me wanna cry.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ecchi Bunny

Same. Maybe one day they will release all the npc armour sets that don’t have cheap silicone jiggle plate and are completed with trousers and no exposed fishnets. Still it’s a lot better than what Valkyrie have, minus the jiggle factor.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ecchi Bunny

You have a problem with that? Because if I remember properly, women don’t fight: period, and definitely not at this scale. So if that’s the case, you hardly have room to complain.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

“Because if I remember properly, women don’t fight: period” – There was so much inaccuracy in that statement. I don’t even think I have the time to correct it.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

That is a fully accurate statement. We’re running on the mainline, pointing out one or two women out of five hundred men, and the men outperforming anyway doesn’t count.

And if you dare to try and refute it, I will have to waste my time to prove what little ‘evidence’ you have as irrelevant or just false entirely.

So please, save us both the time and don’t even try.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

The statement is anything but. It’s adhering to the assumption that they never did. Which is false. There were more than one or two and you trying to downplay isn’t helping your credibility.Your denial of that definitely shows along with your inability to support your baseless statements with supporting evidence. You my friend have no intellectual capability to give me any legitimate sources or any actual ‘evidence’. And sincerely doubt if you ever could.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

But my knowledge is based on things universally known. You literally said something outrageous (which was your disagreeance with my factual statement) and now you wrote an entire paragraph insulting me for stating facts about the world.

There were more than one or two? Maybe even three, four? I’ve exaggerating but that doesn’t change the facts. Women do not and did not fight as any ideal soldier, therefore why on earth would you want ‘realistic’ things of that sort in game? Fantasy is already over the top, that would only serve to ruin it for the majority of players.

But don’t let that get in the way of your world view.

You’re the kind of person that tries to have content censored based on feelings.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Let’s correct that shall we.
* “My knowledge is based on things only I agree upon. I make things up as I go along without any supporting evidence or reasoning. I talk on behalf of the world instead of myself. I base my opinion as factual and tell others they don’t understand to make myself appear intelligent. I take others words that differ to my own views as outrageous. And take any arguments directed my way as offence and insulting.”

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

You literally just insulted me one reply above in the other thread. My evidence was proven to be supported and reasoned. I spoke on behalf of myself and the community that is proven to exist due to economics. I take outrageous views as outrageous. You did insult me.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

You’re in sensitive -m-o*ron that has over inflated opinion of himself. You don’t speak on behalf of the devs, community, or the world. And I am suppose to feel remorse because you hate what I like to see in-game. Man, you’re path eticcomment image

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

You said I’m a school drop out. That’s an insult. Furthermore, I am speaking to the facts: the devs, community, and the world of gamers. You speak only to yourself and a handful of others.

It’s not merely an opinion if it’s true. Maybe you’ll send some more pictures my way in response. Good luck.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

“Fantasy is already over the top, that would only serve to ruin it for the majority of players.”

ROFL— wait— this is too good to be true! You logic dictates that if I or anyone else wearing full plate armour on a woman would only serve to ruin it for the majority of players!! HAHA!! Lord the irony. Well in that case it’s already ruined. There are already female npcs running around fully clothed in realistic medieval armour currently in-game.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Good for the NPC’s. That’s pretty cool to have that occasionally. That’s not what the majority of players care to play as.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Says who? You. When will you learn not to speak for everyone in the world, except for yourself. Not to burst your bubble but not everyone is part of the Xilence Collective.

7 years ago

Do we think that us westerners will eventually get this set?
I would love to equip my Valkyrie with armour that doesn’t look like it was designed by a thirteen year old boy who’s having a tough time with puberty…

7 years ago
Reply to  Anno

Yeah we will, just takes time for us to get it since it was released in Korea not that long ago

The Prophet
The Prophet
7 years ago
Reply to  Dulfy

Quick question: Are the boots removable? Or is it one entire set? Thanks in advance.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anno

You have issues it sounds like.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

That’s ironic coming from the guy that thinks he speaks for the gaming world.

7 years ago

Ohhh was this the winner of the costume design. Damn its finally in-game, looks really good!!

7 years ago

Still waiting :'(

7 years ago

ho boi, can’t wait for this.

7 years ago

No knight would have their upper legs flashing skin for the enemy to see. Because they would immediately strike at it and hack your leg off clean.comment image comment image comment image comment image

That’s why knights wore cuisse and faulds. At the very least they could have covered it with chain mail.

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

This is a fantasy game and not some reallife representing of the past. In games armor is most of the time different and often not the same as reallife stuff. Black Desert doesn’t claim anywhere that it represents real medieval models. Some games do live up complete medieval stuff, like Mount & Blade. By the way; you can combine the outfit with underwear.

7 years ago
Reply to  candesco

You’re right, BDO is more fun because it’s actually… y’know, attractive?

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

“Sometimes nudity is sexy. Sometimes it’s not. Sometimes being clothed is more sexy than being nude.”

7 years ago
Reply to  candesco

It’s a fantasy game, yes. Does it have near real life representations of armour for npcs? Yes. Do players get any of these? No. Some find it appealing to have their models run in nothing but nude pixels. Good for you. Some like flashy short skirts or lingerie. And some like having near life representing functional armour in a almost realistic game environment. If they can put wet body with sweat and breast physics why not one piece of set that looks remotely like the male counter parts in functionality?

Waits for the impending responses: ‘If you don’t like it then leave!!! Your not allowed to want anything but this!!!! continues unintelligent rambling’

7 years ago
Reply to  infamous

Too bad that there are other games with that unattractive design, shame you don’t play those? Furthermore, see my comments on the fantasy aspect of the game which removes all need for ‘covered’ armor (which is not realistic) in favor of attractive armor that people would like to play. You know, the actual player base.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Oh you mean the player base that consists only of your opinion. Yeah, no thanks. Also your standards of what is considered attractive is quite frankly vulgar.

7 years ago
Reply to  Xilence

Oh yeah, that ‘player base’ that only consists of your opinion? No, thanks. And quite frankly your definition of what is attractive armour is quite frankly vulgar.